*So what's all this I hear about people not liking Sombra? Or rather feeling like he's a let down? Nonsense!!!
Yes I know he's different from the past villains in that he didn't really say much but I think that on it's own actually can tell you a lot about him. I actually think he might be one of the most evil of the villains thus far. Nightmare Moon was formed out of the pain of jealousy that Luna suffered at a perceived rejection. It was her desire to be loved that drove her. Discord is…well he's Discord. While I do have my opinions about chaos vs. order Discord himself was really just bored and wanted to be entertained. Chrysalis my be the most innocent of all of them in that she was really just doing what she thought she had to in order to take care of her subjects. Sombra on the other hand was originally a unicorn, a normal pony who's ambition and lust for power drove him to enslave and imprison an entire pony nation. As to his not having any memorable dialogue, I think that speaks to his character as well. His own lust for power has turned against him, consuming him to degree that he can no longer even articulate normal language. Evil.
So yeah. All that to say I wasn't disappointed with him at all. And then I drew a picture. Tadaa!*