"Impressive or not, you guys are nothing compared to me…"
(There's no picture for this next part, but I have it in my head…)
"I race from dawn to dusk. Got my cutie mark in my first race because I'd rather dash first than talk things out. I'm what you call an honest-to-goodness badflank."
"Yeah? What's your fan name?"
"My… my fan name? Well, my fan name… I never got a fan name because I was officially named."
"You're not bad."
"What a pity."
"Why are you wasting our time?"
"C'mon! Why does it matter if I got a fan nickname or not?!"
"There's no point in our talking to you if you don't have a cool fan nickname like Carrot Top or Colgate."
"Yeah, if you're officially named, it just doesn't give the sense you were fleshed out like us background ponies."
"That's just the way things are."
"Sorry! Better luck next time."
"When's next time?!"
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