This is number six of a seven-part series commissioned by someone over on Deviant Art, based on the "purse meme" going around awhile ago. All purses and outfits are designed by me, with a lot of help and inspiration from Our Grand High Ruler, Google.
This one is Rainbow Dash, and the contents of her purse. Rarity designed outfit and purse. Rainbow Dash is kind of embarrassed about carrying around a purse in the first place, but she's doing it for Rarity's sake.
Purse contents, left to right, top to bottom:
Headband- In case there are sports-things to do.
Chapstick- Strawberry-flavored
Wallet- Daring-Do-themed wallet; a present from her parents.
Keychain- Canterlot High-School's horseshoe symbol. The key is for the sports-equipment shed at school.
Photo- RD takes this nearly everywhere with her, even though she'd never let on.
Phone and earbuds- She listens to power-ballads during her down-time.
Deodorant- It took her parents a long time to convince RD that this is a necessary item. RD is now more aware of her own hygiene (thanks, in part, to her friends ) .
Tickets- One for a soccer match, the other for a rock concert. Both have already happened, RD just forgot to take them out of her purse.