Might work on a new NextGen casually. Still figuring out all the pairings and characters, but Electric Spark is one I've doodled the most, so here she is~
Electric Spark (Sparks)
Daughter of Rainbow Dash and Thunderlane
A very rambunctious and wild mare, Sparks is the rather infamous child of the element of loyalty. She is quite boisterous and loud, which means that her presence is never missed. While her mother, Rainbow Dash, is an excellent flyer, Electric Spark has slightly above average flying skills. She isn’t a prodigy by any means, but she can maneuver and glide faster than a normal pegasus. However, Sparks is notoriously clumsy and brash, so she tends to run into objects easily. Many vases and breakable items have fallen prey to her carelessness, much to Thunderlane’s horror.
As a child, Sparks was rather gangly and skinny. She initially had a lot of trouble learning how to fly as her wings weren't strong enough to lift her off the ground. In flight school, she was often picked on and would start fights with her bullies. Her parents struggled to get a hold on her attitude, and Sparks often sported bruises and bandaids throughout her youth. Things eventually got better, but it took quite some time for that to occur.
More Trivia on Sparks:
- Sparks grows feathers and fur faster than the average mare during the winter time, especially on her chin. She's been mistaken for a stallion a few times, but she doesn't care much about that.
- She secretly trained under Lightning Dust for a time. If Rainbow Dash ever found out, well… Sparks doubts that she'd be very happy about it.
- Electric Spark had a crush on Spitfire when she was a little foal.
More on Electric Spark in the future!