Rainbow Feather closes her eyes to sleep, and in front of her stand three… well, hers!
“Hey there,” the middle Rainbow, with braided hair, says.
“You’re…. all me?” Rainy asks.
“Yep!” the leftmost, with majestic wings, confirmed.
“I’m… here to decide something, right?” Feath’s brain whirrs together and puts together the pieces.
“Don’t be frightened,” says the rightmost, who’s mane shone like the stars of the night sky. “We all went through it.”
Braids explains, “It seems you’re at, or approach at least, the time of divergence. It’s all kinds of complex magic-y dimension-y stuff, honestly I don’t entirely get it.”
“We’re not the only possible futures you have,” says colorful wings, leaving out that she and star-mane both looked like they did get it, “But I think we’re the three biggest… still, you may chose to be someone else, or end up so anyway.”
“I get to chose… which of you I’ll be?” says Rainy with trepidation.
The three nod.
Rainbow-y Rainbow begins, “I’m a you who had to take up the Elements in defense of Equestria, like heroes before us have,” as she reaches out her claw to young Feather.
“None of us have it easy, but you might find it worth it,” the Rainbow Feather with a medical bag and side-braids volunteers with a similar gesture.
“You’ve always admired the strong, and you can be very strong,” the elegant shadowy Rainbow Feather with regal bearing holds out her claw last.
Looking at Rainbow Power, Medic, and Nightmare, Rainy hesitates, then steps forward.
“I chose….”
As young Rainbow Feather reaches out, there’s a sense of…. something, and she wakes up.