Found this while at the New York State Fair today and figured that I'd snap a screenshot since I'm pretty much 100% sure these won't have been used with the permission of the respective artists involved. At least here we can give a little bit of credit where it's due.
On that note I recognize MysticAlpha's piece with Cadance and Shining off the bat, but otherwise I don't recognize the pieces used here or I don't remember exactly who the artist was. So if you guys can help me figure out who's work is featured on this that would be lovely. If someone can post a link to an image on derpi in the comments I'll add it to the description and tags though you guys can tag stuff yourselves if you want too
Also sorry about the image quality. I only had a second to snap the pic before I aroused any suspicion from the people I was with. Powerlevels and all that. Also my phone isn't exactly recent either.
Cadance & Shining Armor By Mysticalpha >>37369
Mane 6 in armor By Equestria-Prevails >>12827 (Thanks Blinkyt11 for the sauce)
not provided yet