Parcly Taxel: While I do my chemistry and my vectors I'm often supercharged with high-volume electronic music as it jitters my neurons far better than my classic mechanical pencil and sheets of paper. Of course, this leaves me all ratcheted at sunrise when I try and sleep with a billion ideas colliding in my head like perfume molecules and producing a trillion more. Then I stumbled upon meditating as the sky brightened and it turned out to be a very robust focusing method: breathe in, breathe out, hear the room's resonant frequencies. I was intrigued and therefore asked the bearers of the Elements of Harmony on their own methods.
Twilight Sparkle: My way of meditating assumes a human pose, with crossed hindlegs and extended hooves. With my (soul's) eyes clamped down I levitate myself a little from the ground, then open the eye of my brain Andromeda and read a book with her. Two ways to relax — one physical, one mystical — in one activity. Isn't it sweet?
Pinkie Pie: You don't need to close the windows to your heart to meditate. Indeed my eyes stay wide open… ALL THE TIME! Not Pinkie Sense here but there's a burning candle I hold with my tail right in front of me and I gaze into its beautiful fire. The fire of parties, the fire of mournings… all are tied to my element, laughter. My darker side Pinkamena does not appear here.
Rainbow Dash: Who said you need fancy accessories like crystals to access your inner spirit? I just hold my wings open; it reminds me of all the times I've been flying (with the Shadowbolts, above rainbooms, as a breezie, etc.) and the limitless future ahead of me.
Rarity: Though my cutie mark shows gemstones I do not resort to setting layers upon layers of crystals for clearing my mind of rejected ideas. I just slip a diamond ring over my horn… as soon as that happens the door to my nightmares opens and I must save myself by channelling all my happy thoughts into said ring, which also calms my body down.
Applejack: Since almost my entire day is on the farm and the barn I usually get no time for such passive things as meditation. However, if I must I just sit down (without hat) and balance two fresh apples on my outstretched hooves. Not holding them, sugarcube! Any time they fall they'll knock the floor and startle me back into consciousness.
Fluttershy: Among my friends I seem to be best at meditating, possibly due to my very quiet nature. I can perform it alone, but most of the time Hummingway is perched beside me chirping to mimic the sounds of the Whitetail Woods which soothe me better than simple silence.