This episode took me to feeladelphia, i've cried twice with MLP, in Tanks for the memories and this beautiful episode right here! i even watched the episode twice and cried again! (also with Tanks for the memories lol).
The story is incredibly relatable to my life, where my lil sister and i have this amazingly awesome sister bond, and i remember my brother once telling me that he would like to have that same bond too and he felt a little jealous. He's always been very reserved when expressing himself when it comes to love and caring for us, he's gotten a lot better since i left home though, telling me how proud he is of me _
so yeah, it hit pretty close to home! like, super bunch.
There's something about BigMac that makes him incredibly adorable, and how he opened up in such an honest way.. it's just so relatable you know?
Making him one of my favorite characters. Definitely the Apple family is just super amazing! i love them all, and Granny Smith always makes me crack up!
by ilianaGatto~
btw, is this a spoiler?? it's not like it's revealing anything.. but i'll tag it just to be safe.