WIP: >>949787
Really really old picture circa August 3rd, but never uploaded completed version here. More of the same crazy belief mouthpiecey mischief for y'all toquestion my sanity overenjoy.
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Actually, the mainstream scientific belief that humans are apes or otherwise came from apes is not entirely false. Yes, humanity does trace its origins to the legendary fox, but those were just the original humans, who are now called adepts and had immense psychic and supernatural powers.
They had a highly-advanced civilization and were highly refined physically, spiritually and technologically, living in harmony with nature and with the gods. They stayed that way for nine-hundred-thousand years until a dissident tribe of their own denounced the adepts’ divine origins and fell to nihilism and moral decay, using the innate powers that all adepts had to deride and destroy rather than inspire and create.
About 36% of the ancient population became this way, while another small percentage sought to salvage the adept race by manifesting the monotheistic god Djibrah el-Zekharon and praised him instead of the polytheistic gods of true dominion over Heaven and Earth, revered by the adepts. Djibrah demonized these original gods, and used his divine wrath to condemn and wipe out about 96% of all adepts, nihilist or otherwise, for not bowing to him. The remainder survived in underground cities. He is known today as the punitive Abrahamic God of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, just as cancerous to the Adept Spirit as the sadistic nihilism and materialism he so sought to eradicate.
Ironically the nihilists made up the largest percentage of the survivors.
It was them who went about repopulating the ancient Earth by taking most of the surviving original, uncorrupted adepts and diluting their pure fox genes with impure ape genes, and taught them to believe they were nothing but apes and must hate and deny that they are of the stars and of the gods, instead they were made to believe they were base animals, that existence was meaningless and random. That is how modern man was created, dumbed-down and stupid, though all human beings still have the "spark" of adeptness lying dormant in their body and spirit, so even today any human can realize their adeptness and know humanity’s true purpose, and in the process gain extraordinary powers. It is already happening.