"Planned to post it this weekend, but things have changed and thus, why not to post it up sooner?
Twilight and Discord always had interesting dynamic if you ask me, whether Discord was mischevious villain or supposed ally to mane 6, he seems to love to play tricks on the book horse in one way or the other. I guess this one is kind of combination of some of the instances were the two met. Crazy background for "Return of the Harmony", Blue Discord from "Three is a crowd", Princess Discord from season 4 finale, and Discord playing orange tricks as a nod to "What about Discord?".
"What about Discord?" has been pretty divisive, I know, but to me it was a nice change of pace in terms how episodes with Discord usually work, plus put some interesting layer on both Twilight and Discord, as in my opinion, both of them have their faults in terms of how the friendship between them works. Sometimes relationships between people are struggled, and I guess that's what got me with that paticular episode, as neither side was 100% right or wrong. Actually that episode single-handedly made me to draw the illustration above. Interesting how this season caused me to create so many stuff in relation to one episode or the other overall.
Anyway my rambling aside, for me what matters the most is if you enjoyed the artwork, not if share same opinion. So for what it's worth I hope you do enjoy the drawing :)"