A light flickered on behind me as Depth Charge pulled a lever near the ladder. A bare bulb shone through a small glass box above the lever, illuminating the hallway of the sub somewhat. A series of bulbs switched on, showing a path through the sub towards another large door. “So, the vault where it's all stored is close, right? I mean, I know the anglerpony-things are mostly in the front where Crash Dive and Night Strike are, but…” My voice trailed off as I remembered again that Depth Charge couldn’t hear me. Well, if those things are close, he better be able to hear my hooves banging on metal in a panic, then. I followed the seapony through the corridors, tripping a little as I tried to move through the bulkheads before my hoof had cleared the bottom frame. Guh, all this water really isn’t making moving around easier…
We eventually reached the end of the hallway, a large steel door sitting closed before us. I reached up, wrapping my hooves around the wheel of the door and yanked down. With a loud groan, the wheel spun, locking mechanisms sliding out from latches on the wall. I stumbled as the door swung inwards, the light from the hallway leaking around us into the room, revealing stacks upon stacks of glistening, solid gold bars. My heart practically stopped in my chest, my legs giving out from under me as I collapsed down, staring up at the collection of gold. “S-s-sweet… C-Celestia…”