First, an early Happy Valentine's Day! At least, to those that only follow my art commissions, not my stories. The latter will be getting a proper Valentine's update on Sunday. Maybe even two!
This was commissioned from the wonderful Wynnchi. Thanks again!
As always, there is a story idea behind this, and I'll be posted the first chapter here shortly, with this as cover art. For any wanting just the summary, though, here you go!
Five Shades of Twilight
A mirror between worlds shattered. A girl driven mad by power ripping holes between worlds. A spiteful mare traveling through time to get revenge. When the fabric of reality surrounding Equestria starts to come unraveled, it falls to Twilight to find a way to fix things.
Good thing she has a familiar face to help her. Several of that face, actually. An alicorn princess (canon Equestria), a human mechanical genius (Equestria Girls), a brilliant but irritable slacker of a unicorn (Reflections), a stallion no less intelligent or magically gifted than the rest (genderbent Equestria), and even a unicorn obsessed with Dark Magic, working together to save all of their worlds, by returning Harmony to the world they find themselves in.
A world where Nightmare Moon rules Equestria after sealing Celestia in the Moon, only to go to war with the Crystal Empire, against King Sombra and his Umbrum army. A world where Discord wrought havoc, until his powers were stolen by Lord Tirek, who rampages across both sides of the war indiscriminately. A world where even the ponies far from the fighting must constantly fear Changeling attacks. A world where Harmony is nothing but an empty dream.
A world where Twilight Sparkle never existed.
What could possibly go wrong?
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