"Buzzershy — Not every Conscript is brave on the front lines — yes, Committee, I am aware that no Soviet soldier should be afraid when they have a thousand of their comrades beside them, but even with our education the taint of capitalism is enough to still unnerve them greatly. This has made some of the children afraid to go into battle — they do not wish to be potentially infected by the disease of Capitalism.
As such, I suggest another character — Buzzershy — to fight this fright. As a shy Repair Drone, Buzzershy is the holder of the element of Kindness, and gladly repairs all of the vehicles, drones, and assorted others in Kennelville — for free! Soviet children will learn from her how to not be afraid, and that supporting your comrades behind the lines can be just as beneficial as serving on the front lines."
Upvotes at import: 38 | Stars at import: 28 Posted previously at: 2016-03-04T18:30:38 | Posted previously by: Solitude
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