NOW, ABOUT THIS PIC: This pic was inspired by my dear friends Angie :iconrainbowyoshi305: and Fran :iconbluezepled:
The y are the ones that came up with the idea of the ball-pit, after a certain "incident" of a Brony event that failed ;
So I drew this last year, but just like always back in last year, around 60 of my pictures were just sketched but never colored, or drafted, but not even sketched, so I decided to color this for the challenge, so I could have some participation of my babies from "My Little Squishy" on this challenge :)
As you may see, Twilie and Dashie love it, AJ got stuck, Rarity is not amused, Fluttershy is getting drown in the middle of so many colorful balls, and Pienke. . . Stop that Pinkie, those are NOT candies!
The little ball-pit, is actually a souffle bowl :) Where was I supposed to get something the size of those things to make a ball-pit? lol
And the balls are, uhm, who knows, use your imagination :XD:
Pray for me while I work on something big that I hope appears this month, guys :)