Twilight’s parents are going to visit the castle the next day, So Flash and Twilight were having a date that day but then, Her parents came…
Twilgiht’s Parents: knocks on the door Hello? Twilight? Anyone home?
Twilight: Rushed at the door and opened it Hello Mom & Dad! Hugs them
Velvet: Hello sweetie hugs her back
Night: Hugs her and smiled Hello twi
Twilight: I thought your going to be here tomorrow? smiled nervously
Velvet: Well, Me and your father wanted to see you soon and the castle as well
Twilight: thoughts Oh no.. FLASH! Said to them Great! Well come in!!
Velvet: Its a great place sweetie looks around
Twilight: looks at the skies saw Flash murmured Oh no,no,no
Flash: Arrives at the door Hello Twilight smiles at her
Twilight: Uhh… H-hi Flash smiles much more nervously and thoughts I DON’T TO INTRODUCE HIM YET TO MY PARENTS
Velvet and Night: heard something at the door and looks at the door Who is that in the door sweetie?
Twilight: looks at flash with a ’wait a minute face’ and close the door slowly with magic Uhh no one…
Velvet: Opens the door with magic Oh come on… Im certain that there’s somepony is in the door
Flash: Looks at twilight confused, and after that looks at her parent (Not know its her parents) Umm Hello everypony
Night: looks at flash Hello thinks Wait is this a guard??
Twilight: Err-Yes
Velvet: looks at flash more deeply That guard from the Crystal Emipire?? Flash Sentry?
Flash: Smiled nervously
Twilight: Yes…
Velvet: What are you doing here?? Are you supposed to be at The Crystal Empire??
Night: nods Or maybe-
Flash: goes beside Twilight Im Here To Protect My Princess, Mam
Velvet & Night: Looks at eachother confused