Name: Applejack
Gender: Female
Age: 35 years
Race: Earth pony
Appearance: Orange fur, blonde mane and tail. Wears a red plaid shirt with some brown, sturdy jeans. Still has her old Stetson, even if a bit worn.
~170 centimeters tall. Thanks to her labour-heavy lifestyle, she also has a hardy body, but in contrast to Dash’s, she is more focused on endurance and power, instead of mobility. C cup.
Personality: Very mature, brave, diligent, reliable, down to earth and, of course, honest. However, she is a bit simple and stubborn, and tends to overwork herself while providing for the village. Ever since the Impact, she’s very careful about who to trust.
She spends most of her time working on the field with the other labourers, so that is what she’s mostly equipped for.
At the same time, she has a double-barreled shotgun and a rusty old revolver, along with a hunting knife, in case she needs to protect herself.
The Apple family’s Ponyville branch pulled through the end of the world in their cellar, not leaving it until Granny Smith’s aging heart couldn’t take the strain anymore and she passed away. What welcomed them on the surface embittered the young mare, which only worsened when desperate survivors raided the ruins of their farmstead. This made her lose her trust towards others but eventually this ended up driving her to gladly help Twilight with taking over the village in chaos and setting up a peaceful settlement instead.
Since then, she takes care of catering for the town: with a secret method, she managed to revitalize the dried up desert sands, so the farm started blooming once again, with the locals helping out on the fields.
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