I've been dying to take a crack at drawing these two popular characters since I've posted chapter 18 of my MLP FIM fanfiction story Discordant Feelings
:bulletgreen: And yes, Fancypants is dressed like Rainbow Dash's idol Daring Do from "Read It and Weep". :icondaringdoplz: :XD:
I've ADORED Fancypants since that Rarity episode "Sweet and Elite" and I've ADORED Zecora even more since her debut in the series back in Season 1 when Twilight Sparkle, Apple Bloom, and the others became her friends and a great lesson was learned in the end. :aww: One who's a pony that's part of high society in Canterlot, and one who's a non-pony that's very cultural and enchanting with amazing rhyme… :D
:iconsada-pazaki:, friend and loyal reader to both "Discordant Feelings" and my cartoon crossover version here known as Chaotic Order told me how she loved Zecora being among the Canterlot ponies along with Fancypants to search for Twilight when all of Equestria assumes Discord has kidnapped her(which he hasn't because Twilight actually left to look for him…please read both stories ;)).
She told me how she thinks Zecora and Fancypants could actually have a very good relationship…aka, she thinks they'd make a CUTE couple. :XD:
And I, for one, seem to agree as my "Discordant Feelings" has progressed since Chapter 18. :love:
I even thought of making a story of how these two met, because in chapter 18, when the Canterlot ponies, minus Fancypants, wind up getting effected by the poison joke as they search through the Everfree Forest, the unicorn stallion states that he had his experience with the plant, and that's how he and Zecora met. And HERE'S the picture! :w00t:
Yes, it was an interesting meeting for Fancypants and Zecora, and a beautiful friendship had been formed because of that misfortune with the plants. :D The way I see it, despite being far from Canterlot material, Zecora is DEFINITELY the kind of non-pony everypony should know, and that's what Fancypants' friends start to notice as they work alongside her in "Discordant Feelings". ;)