"You asked for it, so now you get it. Luna getting what's coming to her for the events of Pleased to Present. You sick twisted bastards, making poor, totally innocent Luna suffer for what was definitely a complete accident with her magic, embarrassing her sister in front of hundreds. For shame. Hope you're happy, you sadists.
Anyway, on to the torture!
This was to be her masterpiece, her crowning jewel, her final victory in this one-sided war.
Luna grinned to herself as she plopped the snare down. The week following the bridge opening had been one of the funnest in her life. Her sister's squeal as she noticed the hands' work (As did everyone else) had awoken something in the moon filly, a little spark of darkness. The very next day, the castle had turned into a maze of boobytraps, set for Celestia. From buckets ploaced in door frames, to some fishing line placed in just the right place… Her favorite had been when she intercepted Tia's laundry and threw it down the grand staircase. It was considerably less funny when she realized it was actually her own clothing. The principle was still there though, so it was still a partial victory at least.
But this… this was something new. It hadn't been easy to the supplies together, but she had managed. She had been up here for an eternity getting it perfect, at least fifteen minutes! But it would all be worth it soon.
Placing her bait on the table, Luna stepped back, to admire her handiwork. It was magnificent. Celestia would never see it coming! And with that rich, chocolate cake placed so perfectly, she couldn't resist!
Or was it placed perfectly? Luna wasn't sure. Maybe she wouldn't see it behind the pillar. It needed to be up more, she decided. Luna stepped closer, scooting the plate forward just a few inches…
SHe heard a snap, the felt something tighten around her leg. She barely registered what was going on before she felt herself being hoisted into the air.
Luna kicked and flailed wildly, her arms too short to reach the elaborate not she had tied. She couldn't even reach the loop. Luna gulped as she remembered reading that his trap was made specifically to make it impossible for its prey to escape from. Well, this was a fine mess.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Oh thank heavens, her rescuer! The marble hallways carried sound magnificently, even through the thick carpet. Surely that must be a gaurd or a servant or someone, somebody who could free her (and would keep their mouth shut. of all the days to wear these…)
Just so long as Celestia didn't see her, she'd be happy-
"Oh look! It's a full moon!"
Oh no.
Luna gave an angry grunt, trying to spin around to look her sister in her smug little face. "Yeah yeah, really funny. Can you shut up and let me down already?"
"What, and miss the show? Oh no, I don't think so. Hey, what's this?"
Celestia picked up the cake, her eyes lighting up, but only for a second.
"This isn't from the cake mom was saving for tonight, was it?"
Before Tia could grill the hanging filly any more, they heard a droning babbling coming down the hall. Pricking their ears up, they could hear "-and down this hall is where the historic Signing of the Two Oaks took place. Now, if you'll step to the right please…"
Celestia stared at Luna with a manic grin. "Looks like the tour's going to include some extras today!"
Luna's eyes widened as the tour group got closer. Oh NO…"