Twivine Explains The Cause
Twivine Sparkle reaches Canterlot and into the throne room to meet Princess Celestia and the others. She walks down the hallway with sadness and starts to talk to one of the princesses. "Princess Celestia, I came as soon as I could. I have to discuss with you about what just happened." Celestia replied, "What happened Twivine?" Then the princess of plunderseeds started to confess and said, "An evil creature known as Lady Tirek has stolen every pony's magic in Ponyville." Luna was shocked about what Twivine said and asked, "How can this be? We have a Tirek who is locked away in Tartarus."
Then Twivine answered, "I hate to tell you this. Lady Tirek… was my creation. The power of Tirek was in tact this whole time. I released it from my bonds and try to get rid of it, but unfortunately, I was too late. Lady Tirek tried to manipulate me by having me join by her side. After seeing what she did, I force myself to join with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, so we can stop her once and for all."
Then Princess Celestia told her, "Twivine, you may have created a monster, but you feared what she is capable on doing, and you have picked Twilight's side. "Then Twivine replied, "Let me just say that I am sorry for what I have did in the past." Then Cadance said, "We already know what happened when you were evil, and I can truly sense that there is some good in you."
Princess Celestia asked, "Where is Twilight Sparkle?" Twivine answered, "That's a good question. Let's hope she comes here safely before Lady Tirek finds her."
Know this that Twivine has normal Twilight's eyes cause she decides to join with Twilight Sparkle and the others to defeat Lady Tirek.