Well, I did say I'd draw Quinna, so I did. I've had this filly in my head since somewhere near the beginning of Season 2. She predates the Wheelverse by like, six months. She was originally slated to be in the Wheelverse when I started building that — as was Scootalectryon — but they didn't quite fit, and Rarity's arc in the Wheelverse is a very different kettle of fish to what I need for Quinna. Very, very different.
She was an old Ponniquin (get it? ponniQuin(na)!) belonging to Rarity — one of her first ones, in fact, and filly-sized for kids' clothes. Fashion Horse dug her up out of storage, intending to 'liven her up' a bit… it went slightly wrong, and now she has a very unusual new daughter.
Quin has no mane or tail — so she tends to wear a lot of wigs and false tails. She likes to mix and match different ones every day, so the results can be exceedingly colourful and often clashing, much to Rarity's chagrin. You mght have noticed the weird slots on her head and back. Well, Quinna's model had attachments for a horn and wings for designing reasons. So, if she wants to, she can switch between earth pony, pegasus and unicorn. Putting the parts in causes a flash of light around the joint as the magic animates it, but it also seals the other slot so she can't be an alicorn. (She was very disappointed when she couldn't be the Princess of Baldness.) She's currently trying to negotiate with honorary Aunt Twilight about becoming a Duchess as least for being able to switch at will, but only recieves giggles and pats on the head for her troubles. Honestly, what is a filly who used to be a dressmaking tool supposed to do to get some recognition around here?
She's about the same age as the Cake Twins? But they're all about the age that the CMC were in the show for her part. So, yeah. That's Quinna!