Clover stirs in her sleep, the sound of distant shouting filling her ears as the quiet night slips into a thing of the past. Sitting up, she rubs her lime-green eyes, tossing the short, leafy green mane from her head. Her ears prick up as she listens to familiar voices carrying from the nearby hallway, her heart sinking in her chest as she realizes just who they could belong to…
Stepping to her door, the light of the room floods her vision as she opens the simple wooden construction. The voices much clearer, her ears prick up as she begins to listen.
"I'm telling you, that little cunt isn't worth the fucking trouble. Her and her family can go fall off a cliff. It's not even my fucking foal, and you're telling me that I have to fucking deal with it?"
Clover frowns. It was her Mom's "special" somepony.
Your mother returns the shouting with a much quieter voice. By the looks of things, it wasn't the usual match they've had.
"Look, Sweetie… I know. We can't afford to keep her. But we can't just turn her loose in the middle of nowhere. My brother in law has a lot of heat on his tail, but once it dies down-"
"That doesn't fucking matter. What are they gonna do, interrogate her? She doesn't know shit."
Clover frowns. It's about her father again, isn't it?
Clover's mother grows quiet at the accusation, tears forming in her eyes.
"Pack her a fucking bag. She can leave tonight. Come hell or high water, I want her fucking GONE. The last thing I want is the Guards banging on our fucking door before raiding the place because of her. You're mine, she fucking isn't."
Clover stands in the doorway, her heart threatening to break…
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