Page 567 — Chrono Chrys, Part 2
Gotta love the changelings. As monsters and as a race, their design and mechanics are superb in my opinion. (Not that I'm opening myself up to debate here. I'm hardly going to be convinced now that the MLP changelings are boring, predictable, too reused, or just plain uninteresting. It's just not going to happen.)
If we're going to have a Story Time today, let it be about other cool ideas for creatures, races, and monsters. Not even necessarily anything you've encountered or created; just cool stuff that not many other people might have seen yet. Let's put together an impromptu compilation that DMs can steal from for weeks to come.
Transcript:DM: Against all odds, your plan to employ zombie-like behavior seems to be… working.
Pinkie Pie: With only 52% less dignity!
Rarity: Next time, I scout alone.
Twilight Sparkle: Uh… Do we see anything?
DM: Actually, not far off, you see a regular pegasus getting trapped by two black, chitinous, bug-like quadrupeds! They trap the pegasus in green goo that forms into a pod, and then one of the creatures transforms into a spitting image of that pony!
Twilight Sparkle: So, not zombies or mind control, but… Faeries? Changelings? How intelligent are they?
Changeling: …
Changeling: Heh heh.
DM: Reasonably so.
Changeling: Hmmm…
Derpy & Changeling: ?
DM: Fortunately, your “disguise” seems to be enough for the creatures. They assume you're each one of them and then fly off to join the rest of the horde.
Applejack: Fantastic.
Rarity: Eugh, trapped in a gooey organic prison. My psion was subdued this way. Not fun.
Spike: Um… girls? What would you say if I said I knew where the rest of the town was being kept?
Twilight Sparkle: Well, I'd say it's a bit early for the final battle… but what the heck. Let's save Ponyville.
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