[Previous][Index][Next][Follow me on twitter?]* * "I've always been methodical, goal oriented. Psychotically so. So I think it's refreshing, to every once in a while, have some fun."Two things I wanted to do with Gralo on this page. One, have some fun with how the ponies seem to expect the bad guys to divulge their plans at a moment's notice (see Gralo's look disdainful boredom in the second frame). And two, do something scary that no other villain in MLP quite managed to do.A pattern I've noticed with all the major opponents that the mane six have faced, is that there's always some corrupting influence involved whenever "evil" is present. With Nightmare Moon, it was the forces of darkness that latched onto Luna in a moment of weakness. With Discord, it was his magic that made the mane six go bad. And with Cadance, although we were set up to think that she had turned into a manipulative jerk since Twilight saw her all those hears ago, it was Chrysalis in disguise as her the whole time.Gralo, on the other hand, his only influence was to withhold crucial information and inhibit the rational thought of a chosen few, and then let the rest act natural.This, I think, delivers a very scary and important message. Good people can turn bad with no need for the intervention of extraordinary forces. * *My Little Pony © Hasbro,Friendship is Magic was created by and assistants.