Its been a while since I've drawn Fang and Olive. If I have a ship within my NG universe, these two would be one of them. They are very close, though for different reasons. Olive loves Fang. They have been friends since the hybrid defended him from bullies. Fang is the only creature aside from his mother that Olive talks to since he's deathly scared of other ponies. Fang adores Olive, often finding himself thinking of Olive as 'his Olive'. While Fang is fairly easy going, he has a dragons temperament and will snap when pushed. As far as he can tell, the only thing that can push him is Olive being hurt or saddened by something. While the two of them mutually like each other, neither has admitted to is for various reason.
1: Neither wants to lose their friend
2: Neither wants to hurt the other with their natural abilities.
3: Both of them are so used to being affectionate, that neither realized it was love until MUCH later. (Since they rarely talk to others.)
4: They are strangely oblivious to most social cues. Olive only talks to Fang and Fang is too absorbed in Olive to pay attention to others.
Note: Fan'gs design has changed and I like it. I didn't like the unicorn/changeling horn since he can't use magic like his mama Thorax but I keot the horns since he is part dragon. That I made him more dragon like. Secondly, I tried drawing the eyes a bit differently. I don't think my anime style of drawing eyes can fit with mlp characters but I will try and mix them as time goes by.
AFTER THIS: I'll draw a mini comic about Desert and her mom. After that… don't know. I'll draw whatever i feel like drawing. If ya'll have suggestions, toss them my way.