In my storage, I recently found an old floppy with Castle of the Winds on it. I recalled it had a custom icon function that I screwed with quite a bit when I was younger. Recently, I revisited it and put my OC into the game. If you'd like to play this game with Intern, or use her as a template, I left the 32x32 4 bit icon file in the source.
Due to some compatibility issues though, you probably couldn't play the game on a 64 bit processor without emulating Windows 3.1. Also, the custom icon function seems broken on modern hardware, so you'd need to replace the default icon using software such as eXeScope (Player Icon would be under /Resources/Icons/323), also programs like Gimp might have issues with the colour indexing.
You know what, if any of you are weird enough to actually want to play Castle of the Winds with an OC, or a custom icon in general, just ask and I'll give an in-depth tutorial and a software kit to make it easier.
Upvotes at import: 19 | Stars at import: 15 Posted previously at: 2017-01-27T09:08:16 | Posted previously by: Marima
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