Atchoo! Atchoo! Oh Gusty Breeze, the poor stallion couldn't go no more than five or even if he's lucky, 10 minutes without his sneezing and coughing fits. Friends, Family, and just about everypony within a close radius dove for cover or ran like it was the plague. He always wore his blue striped scarf regardless of the weather and would sometimes wear a matching beanie. He always seemed sick and it didn't help that with each blow there was always that chance- that risk that he could be using his magic and could have it accidentally go haywire. The most Gus here can do is the get a tissue, block his muzzle with a hoof, or anything to hopefully stop it… with usually little success in the end. Once the choas is over it'll end with shocked and worried glares, the occasional "Gesundheit" or "Bless you", and his face flushing all shades of red from embarrassment. All Gusty Breeze wants is to come the day where these fits will just be the days behind him.
So, I was just playing around with another brush and lineless art again. I actually like this one. It's clean looking, has a cool effect going on, and a background that isn't just white. neato.MLP belongs to HasbroGusty Breeze and art belongs to Binkyt11Made in Medibang Paint Pro
BONUS IMAGE. His eyes can apparently glow in the dark.