Full Name; Tidal Wave Nicknames; Wave Gender; Female Species; Earth pony Age; 17 years old
About; Tidal Wave, while the youngest of her family, is full of heart. She enjoys spending long days on the beaches of Baltimare as part of the coastal services her siblings and she set up for the community, including a rental shack and lifeguarding services. Wave, however, takes the roll as a surfing coach seriously, making sure her students are safe and knowledgeable in the water. When not teaching the young fillies and colts, she'll be cruising herself along the waves and having a blast.
Cutie Mark; A surfboard on a wave Talent; Achieving hard maneuvers on a surfboard during stormy seas
Likes; Teaching foals how to surf, big waves, coconut drinks by the beach Dislikes; Tropical storms, awkward silence, her brother's attitude