Blue Typhoon
Parents; Cloud Chaser and Fleetfoot
Age; 17
Cutie Mark; A typhoon with three lightning bolts shooting out
Personality; Arrogant and cocky, Blue Typhoon grew up under his mother's iron hoof wing. The result of a one night stand and with no father there to raise him, Typhoon heavily relied on his mother for support and his growth when he was a colt. He always knew he was going to follow in his mother's hoofsteps by becoming a wonderbolt himself, and practices alongside his best friend, Seafire, in practice for the Wonderbolt Academy. He sometimes pushes things too far and needs to be knocked down a few pegs, but otherwise he's a loyal friend. He briefly knows of Zap Apple, enjoying in friendly flying races against the other pegasus and urges him to tryout for the Wonderbolts, hoping he'd follow his father's dreams and his grandmother's hoofsteps. He urges for fair play and good sportsmanship, which leads him to taking a leader role when things get out of control.
THIS GUY WENT THROUGH TOO MANY NAMES. I just went with Typhoon after a bit since it fit him pretty well XD
Blue Typhoon © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro