The mare who birthed all of the crazy kids with the last name Starr. To be honest she isnt a very wise mare as she can get drunk a lot and turn even crazier than Shimmer, maybe even Pinkie Pie (she's a fun drunk). I guess having all those psyco children with her all at once drove her to the cider. Shimmer does that to a lot of ponies. Where is the father you may ask? Well Shimmer's father Named Flare Blitz was an earth pony who got into some trouble with the wrong ponies in manehattan. He's still in contact with the family but from an unknown location that nopony knows about. Or he's just in the region where Deer, Moose, And Elk run about because he's a lazy bum. either way he's annother reason for Night Starr's drinking problem.Edit: Perhaps he's one of those guys who works for a lumber mill in the Northern Woods Country with the Deer, Moose, And Elk. Thats the most probable and whenever he comes home he is greeted warmly by his youngest kids. Night however is relieved that he's home when he comes back because of how dangerous the work is.