Graystan is one of the characters of our group in our Equestria Pen and Paper RPG. He is played by Carnorius and for his recent birthday I made this drawing and a mosaic version of the same drawing. Graystan, is a strong and sturdy earthpony and a stonecutter (which is very fitting as you will see if you take a look at Carnorius' beautiful soapstone carvings). Graystan is more down to earth in every respect of the word than any of the others in the group and somewhat suspicious of magic or flying. Much to his distress he recently had to spend a lot of time in our game in the rather magic loaded home of a unicorn family before paying a visit to Cloudsdale (made possible by the walk on clouds spell we saw in the series).Graystan is the last to condemn anypony for actions unless he sees them causing any direct harm and sometimes he seems a bit annoyed about being dragged into the whole "saving the world kind of business" without having been asked ;)
He is straightforward, easygoing (live and let live kind of attitude) and difficult to disconcert, but if he is threatened or sees others being threatened one is well advised not to get anywhere in his stonebreaking hooves' way. The black and green tatoos on his head, neck and torso are a relic of a visit to a tribe of ponys living in the jungle where he did very outstanding in what turned out to be an initiation ceremony in which he defeated three of their warriors in a competetive brawl (my own character managed one ending up with a more subtle tatoo ;)).
Graystan's father Naponeon was considered a bit of a mad pony who styled himself "General Naponeon" and wasn't taken serious for his weird prophecies until Discord during his reign pretty much turned all those weirdo prophecies real, helping "General Naponeon" to some unexpected fame and recognition (I hope that some day our group will meet that father whom our characters so far know but from the tales of Graystan only).
Thanks and credit for the background go to mandydax. Thanks to you and to all the artists who offer backgrounds for credit to other artists :)
Here is a version of the vector without the background and here is the aforementioned mocaic version.