The Ace of Clubs – The Enigma – Life, energy, experience, communication, language.
“Mystery” is the perfect word to describe an AoC, they are a mass of thought and perspectives that only the few could even imagine. The have a deep need for stimulation, whether it be mental, physical, or spiritual and they will consume anything in their path. With zeal, they throw themselves from relationship to relationship, never settling for just one person. Having an overwhelming sense of hate of being alone and yet in a desperate need of solitude is a dilemma for the AoC. They crave excitement, adventure, and fun but often overindulge which leads to periods of fatigue and self-loathing only for them bounced back with twice as much energy. What an AoC is capable of can be limitless and when focused their skills can be frightening in their ability. Never to be underestimated, an AoC is a great reader of weakness and will take advantage of others to get what they want. Utilizing their creatively and their deep well of experience is an opportunity of a lifetime for most. With time an AoC can mature but often is influenced by others around them, they are in need of direction and seek the opportunity to prove themselves in any way they can.