DOWNLOAD FOR FULL-SIZE!It's almost Halloween Everypony!Time for something Halloween-themed!So here's a Crossover of Soul Eater and MLPSoul Eater is pretty Halloweenish, no?So why the hell not Applejack is MakaBig Macintosh (or Braeburn) is Soul Eater (Scythe)Rainbow Dash is Black StarFluttershy is Tsubaki (Chain Scythe)Twilight Sparkle is Death the KidPinkie Pie is Patti Thompson (Pistol 1)Rarity is Liz Thompson (Pistol 2)Okay so they may probably not be suiting for their respective Soul Eater roles, but I just rushed the idea.I like Twilight being Kid though, both of them are the brains, and they both have highlights in their hair.I know Big Mac is not really the best role for Soul.I really could not think of anypony else who would fit the role. You can think it's Braeburn if you want.Another reason as to why I made this is for Equestria Daily!They're having a Halloween Banner Event right now [link]I already submitted my banner, which is this wallpaper but in Banner Size. I was pretty impressed with the banner I made so I decided to make a wallpaper version of it. For those who missed the banner on EqD: [link]Vectors UsedTwilight: [link]Applejack:[link]Rainbow Dash: [link]Vector Artists