Family RequestVerde Doncella Apple is the oldest child and lonly daughter of Fluttershy and Big Mac. Verde is a pony of few words, she likes to listen and observe first then giving her opinion about any matter. She's a hard worker like her family in Sweet Apple Acres and specially strong for a pegasus. Verde can lift ridiculous amount of apples like any earth pony. She's very affecionate with family and friends sometimes a little too much and her hug can be a little squish. Verde supports her brother's passion in animals and would help him talk with their family if he gets the guts to tell them.Red Delicious Apple is the second son of Fluttershy and Big Mac. Red got his papa size yet none of his parents shyness. Red often speaks what is on his mind and won't let other's bend his will. Red is better dealing with animals than apples, so eh manages all animal related problens in Sweet Apple Acres. He plans to become a biologist and study the animals in Everfree forest yet is still looking for the best way to tell his parents about it.