Genie Rainbow: Oh you bet she wasn’t!![]()
_Numbers refer to captions below images, 1 = top
Continued from >>1493668_
(1) Genie Rainbow: While I couldn’t know what was happening firsthand since as it turns out when somepony is completely inside the bottle they’re in a subconscious state. At least that’s how it works for mine, and presumably Genie Twi, AJ, and Pinkie. I had to get the full story from my universe’s Twilight. She told me that not long after I was bottled she had no idea what happened, for all she knew getting sucked into that bottle might have hurt me or worse.
(2) Her sadness quickly turned to rage at Malakhar as she immediately demanded to know what had happened to me. Malahar managed to assure her that I was unharmed and tell her I was now a Genie, but nonetheless Twilight was so peeved she ran out to get nearby guards to apprehend Malakhar mainly because she wouldn’t let Malahar explain the details, perhaps it peeved her even more cause she thought genie meant this was a slavery kind of thing. Even if she didn’t exactly know how to explain JUST what happened.
The guards themselves were confused. As their modern rulebooks had nothing on this. Though Genifications without permission was indeed a law in the ancient days, it just hadn’t been necessary for so long. Malakhar pleaded to Twilight he needs to stay with them to explain some crucial things that most Saddle Arabians couldn’t due to so much knowledge lost on Genies of old. But Twilight wouldn’t have any of it. She turned her back and lets the guards take him.
(3) It was only after Malakhar had been taken away, did Twilight release me. As much as Twilight had every right to get mad. Not having him around would turn out to be a mistake we both regretted by the end.
(4) I’m sure at least some of you are familiar with the three-day time limit before me, Twilight’s, Pinkie’s, and Applejack’s type of genie are made permanent for at least 1000 years. Well, I unfortunately found that out one day too late… As throughout the first 3 days without Malakhar to warn us, I thought I could be wished free at any time.
And I was actually having a lot of fun with being a genie, I’d dare say some of the magic I pulled off was as invigorating as any flight trick I’ve ever done. I’d say even if I was blissfully unaware of the time limit, I can still somewhat look fondly upon those days. Cause I really got to have so much fun with my universe’s Twilight, and I did kinda let myself get carried away with the attention being the first Genie in Saddle Arabia in so long brings heh heh… and you know the old saying, time passes by when you’re having fun…
(5) But yeah… four days after I had been genified we were told by guards we had been summoned as a special request of a certain Prisoner. Which was of course Malakhar. He would tell us the bad news that the time allotted for me to be freed had expired and I would be stuck as one for the next 1000 years now…
The only big concern I knew about being a Genie was it was going to make it hard to maintain being a Wonderbolt. Cause of things like being sucked in during or after an intense show, and/or ponies may come for wishes rather then the air shows the Wonderbolts are supposed to be about. Twilight did warn me about this during the first three days, but again we weren’t aware there was a time limit and I assumed I could wait till’ I was truly done with being a Genie before heading back on the road to become a Wonderbolt…
(6) I didn’t take the bad news well… at all… Becoming a Wonderbolt had been my dream for as long as I can remember… for unforeseen circumstances to just wash it all away was devastating…
Twilight and Spike tried their best to comfort me in the last day of our vacation, and so did the rest of my friends when we got back to Ponyville. But it was going to take a lot of time to get over this, I’m still somewhat not to this day… even if some feelings about the Wonderbolts have changed since then.
(7) ((That’s one story out of the three alt. universe genies of Genie Twi’s universe out of the way! You’re free to ask more details about Genie Rainbow’s story/past if you’d like. But otherwise the gist of what happened with her has been told))