Yeah, the emblem… ; It would be a nice Sennheiser commercial if it wasn't the topic of silence. Or! How about "Sennheiser — not only for songs"? Their headphones are sound-proof, I like to wear them all the time, for songs or silence. Hehe, never even thought about how much time I spend in them, I must look like Yoh Asakura. =D Well, I don't see myself when I'm working. So… a tribute to my headphones that serve me well many years. (expensive as hell, too! I think I've fainted. )
"OMG naked Eri!" — Yes, Eri is relaxing. STOP watching naked ponies in the internet!!! Rage "Well then, stop drawing naked ponies" — Touche. Well she's my baby, I can. :sunglasses: revamp