Apple Bloom, her husband Clyde Trouble Shoes, and her son Cortland Jonagold Orchard [Cort or Cortland for short] moved back to the Apple Family Farm, though Apple Jack was a bit against it. The older mare wanted Clyde to work around the farm, though she really just wanted to see if he was good enough for her baby sister. Auntie AJ absolutely loves her nephew Cortland and loves to see her own children playing around with her nephew. In this scene, Apple Bloom is actually pregnant with their second foal, but the picture does not show that low.
Cortland: "Hey Momma, why does Aunt AJ not get along with Dad?" The colt asked, looking over at his mother.
Apple Bloom: "Hm? Cort…" She paused and tilted her head and tried to think of a way she could explain to her young son. "Mm, Auntie AJ and Dad don't really get along…because…"
Cortland: The colt stared at his mother confused and tilted his head to the side. "I don't get it. They have a lot in common. Dad was from Appleloosa and Auntie AJ has been there for rodeo's. They've probably worked together a lot…" He paused and looked down. "And they have other things in common."
Apple Bloom: The mare looked down and smiled softly. "Like what?"
Cortland: He looked up at her, giving a buck tooth grin. "You and me~" He smiled. "Plus they both work really hard, an' can both eat a ton."
Apple Bloom: The mare couldn't help but let out a giggle and wrapped her hooves around her son. "You know, you're right…they do eat a ton."