Willow isn't very socially adept. If she is attached with a pony, she will smother them with affection and kindness to the point of creepiness. But that rarely happens because she's always with Blurry. He is the one pony she would never play tricks on or manipulate. When Willow likes something, she tends to get deeply obsessed with it.
She loves Nightmare Night and Neighponese stuff. She doesn't get scared by horror films but watches them anyway. Blurry refuses to watch them with her.
Willow's disguise when she goes outside. Ponies tend to freak out at her ghostly, pale mane (it's glowy and blows around like a candle) and draconequus self, so she usually changes to her pony form.
Upvotes at import: 55 | Stars at import: 28 Posted previously at: 2017-09-27T07:12:45 | Posted previously by: Mildgyth
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