In My Little Pony: Revelations of the Apocalypse, a side-story of the Twirageous Series, a massive earthquake devastated Las Pegasus, followed by full-on invasion by the Dark Lord's evil forces, as this is also happening across the world. A group of six ponies, Cyber Gamer, Paint Sketch, Midnight Shadows, Chaud Starpower, Connie and Summer Sketch survive through the whole tragedy and boarded up Chaud's house to protect themselves from whatever is going on outside. Things are not going well for the group as they are faced with the danger of the Dark Lord's subjugation upon Equestria combined with the dwindling supply of food and water that they have at their disposal. Their chances of making it longer seem slim…
…until a group of four creatures arrived to not only protect the surviving ponies in the house but also to provide the group with the ultimate solution to their survival and recruit them in the revolution against the forces of Darkness that is scouring across their lands! These four are:
- King Thorax, benevolent ruler of a changeling kingdom in Equestria;
- Princess Ember, the Dragon Lord who resides the dragon lands near Equestria;
- Starlight Glimmer, a pony who was inspired by the selfless heroic acts of the Element of Harmony and the restoration of the Kingdom of Harmony, and founded her own city-kingdom called Serenita (whom Princess Starlight, daughter of Twilight and Courageous, was named after because Twilight is good friends with Starlight Glimmer); and
- Sunburst the Wise, the "Solar Mage", Prime Minister of the Crystal Empire and at the same time, Starlight's husband and co-ruler of Serenita.
NOTE: The Twirageous Saga takes place in AU (Alternate Universe) where its point of divergence is around late-Season 3. Therefore, the events of Seasons 4 through 7, where these characters appeared in between, never happened. Many liberties are taken in regards to the backstory of these characters. The story takes place over a decade after the main series would've taken place. Therefore, the characters presented here are more than a decade older, hence why they look a bit different. So, here they are, four of your fan-favorites. 'Nuff said.
Thorax, Ember, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic belong to Hasbro.