Introducing Lilac Wisp, Orpheus' older sister. She's, somewhat the same as Daniel, but she's been a quiet mare since birth.
Still working on cutiemark for these two siblings, but Lilac's special talent is dream walking. Some dreams she has give signs to tell the future, and it's difficult to try and figure them out. But eventually she does. Other times, she can walk into another pony's dreams, but only one pony each time she sleeps. (More detIl on this ability later) it is very strange and she has only gotten into trouble once by the Princess of Dreams herself when she was a filly and was dream jumping like crazy. She only does it now when she feels like she needs to.
In her village, she's the psychic, and helps batponies that are struggling with moralities and guilt. Sometimes they don't understand their guilt, the answer usually lying in their dreams. Lilac helps to find the problem for that purpose only.
Her first meeting with her brother's friend was…. Interesting. XD
Upvotes at import: 17 | Stars at import: 10 Posted previously at: 2018-01-27T14:36:15 | Posted previously by: Tekkaman18
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