I watched the MLP Movie for the first time last night and I loved it! I decided to draw my two Tempest next gens together. I already had these guys since I knew stuff about Tempest before I watched the movie cause of the fandom but ya know
Any way, the pegasus is Nimbus Shadow and the unicorn is Andromeda. I've already posted some stuff of these guys before and I love them both!
Nimbus Shadow is the child of Tempest and an unknown pony. Read more about how he came into existence here. See if you can guess who his other 'parent' is! I'm not gonna tell you if you're right or wrong tho because I want it to be a reveal. Andromeda is the child of Tempest and Luna. Nimbus is older than Andromeda by about eight years. In this picture, Nimbus is around 25 and Andromeda is around 17. Nimbus is very short and very fluffy. This is most likely due to the fact that he wasn't conceived like a normal foal and instead was created through a magical experiment. It caused some defects. Andromeda however, is incredibly tall. At age 17, she's taller than Celestia. Not by much, but still taller. Nimbus is a smol edgy punk fluff boi and Andromeda is a solemn and quiet ruler. The two have a weird relationship because since Nimbus was eight when Andromeda was born, they never really spent a lot of time together as foals. They're okay with each other, but they just don't really hang out a lot, besides during family dinners and gatherings.
Nimbus's first appearance:
Andromeda's first appearance: