Luna: My plot is huge again. I'm assuming I'm another Succubus
Nemo: Yup. Now you're a Dark Succubus
Luna: Do I have that creepy stare again?
Nemo: No, now you have black eyes
Luna: But now My wings are useless
Nemo: You're Frost horn form had fake wings an horn, and no Succubus tail
Luna: Okay, but why are my wings like this?
Nemo: Well a long time ago a tribe of Succubie worshipped a dark god, and bathed in pools of dark magic to get closer to it. This in turn changed them into this form
Luna: A dark god?
Nemo: It wasn't even real. They just assumed one existed because people originally believed their solar dragon was a god because apparently everything always has a dark half
Luna: Um… Don't you have a dark half?
Nemo: That's not my fault. the ring's Shadows are just a curse that can't be broken
Luna: I never said it was your fault
Nemo: Sorry
Luna: What's a Solar dragon anyway?
Nemo: A star sized dragon that tries to create their own living planet. The planet these halfs live on revolves around one named Crastellas
Luna: Wow
Nemo: Alright enough other world history. Time to change over