During the Crystal War Timeline, Rainbow Dash was a soldier, fighting on the side of Equestria, versus King Sombra and the Crystal Empire. During the battle, two Crystal soldiers pushed a rock over a cliff, attempting to have it fall onto Rainbow Dash, crushing her. Pinkie and Maud dug into the rock, causing it to be destroyed, saving Rainbow Dash's life.
But what if they saved her a different way?
In this universe, Pinkie and Maud pushed Rainbow out of the way of the falling rock, saving her but sacrificing themselves for the life of their friend. Many years later, Rainbow still honors the two, and spends time thinking about them every day.
My attempt at a Memorial Day picture with ponies. (Could not post on Monday cuz laptop=broken and library=closed and Dad=jerk.)
Upvotes at import: 16 | Stars at import: 7 Posted previously at: 2018-05-25T20:34:18 | Posted previously by: MK Pony Mod
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