Name: Princess Eris
Sex: Female
Parents: Twilight Sparkle & Discord
Siblings: Prince Lionheart, Harmony
Species: Unicorn/Draconeqqus Hybrid
Special Talent: N/A
Adult Occupation: Librarian
Voice Actor: Idina Menzel
Personality: Eris is cold, dark and morbid often. She's sarcastic and grumpy as hell, often grumbling and spending most of her time alone. However when she gets close to ponies she will be their most loyal companion. She's not a partier, often preferring quiet activities like afternoon tea and book clubs with her friends. She gets anxiety easily and also gets offended easily. She's sensitive about her appearance, her height and most of her physical traits, including her lack of a cutie mark.
Fun Facts:
- Eris just enjoys being grumpy. She’s not as angsty now but just a general grump who’s cloudy 90% of the time and whose dialogue is 90% sarcasm and 10% hate.
- Smol. Eris is very smol. Eris is shorter than her whole family.
- Eris can't access or use her magic. The horn is just for show. Twilight is sure it's because she was the first of her siblings and Discord and Twilight's magic just didn't mix. Either way Eris can't even do the simplest spells and lives her life as a pegasus.
- Eris collects stuffed dragons. She likes to pile them up and sleep on them.
- Discord likes to buy her things, not to buy her love, but because he likes seeing Eris happy.
- Eris gets crushes pretty easily. Her roster includes Snowpiercer, Skimmer, North Wind, & many other randoms. None of these crushes work out which gets insecurity revved up.
- Eris owns a raven as a pet.
Friendships & Relationships: wip cuz I'm tired
I took away the ear tufts and made her smol but otherwise our grump girl is the same. Also I got rid of her emo-traits and just made her a little grump and more introverted. I just was sick of Eris' edge lol