- Foxtrot is the second born and only daughter of Frederic Horseshoepin and Octavia Melody, she's Charlie's twin sister and was born soon after he was
- She has loved musicals since she was a filly, her favorite being The Greatest Showmare and now makes her living on the Bridleway by writing musical scripts and composing for them
- Foxy lives in Applewood, traveling around the other big cities frequently (Manehatten, Fillydelphia, Canterlot, Las Pegasus, Baltimare and Vanhoover) but visits Ponyville whenever she can
- She's friends with Songbird Serenade's and Coloratura's daughter, Tessitura
Upvotes at import: 11 | Stars at import: 5 Posted previously at: 2018-06-27T10:02:23 | Posted previously by: Mildgyth
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