Green Berry and Wild Berry are my Cheerilee and Big Mac's nextgen. They are identical twins and nopony remembers who was born first. BigMac chosen both of their names, he's not exactly really original, but Cheerilee loved the names though. (Green) Berry on the left and Wild (Berry) on the right were two young foals full of energy, playing around with mud, messing with fillies, helping (or at least trying) carrying the apples with dad… all kind of bros' stuff.
Berry loves his bro more than anything in the world, what can be better than having a brother than having a TWIN BROTHER?? Specially somepony as cool and manly as Wild, he's strong, he's smart and he protects Berry when others are mean with him. They always do everything together and at home there's always a pair of everything for them. Sometimes Berry and Wild fight, but that's something normal between brothers, you know, punches, kicks, sometimes bites… all kind of bro's stuff.
Wild on the other side, sure loves his brother, but it's been a while since he doesn't feel like "Wild Berry" anymore. Grandma Granny Smith was the one helping him on his transition from "Wild Berry" to "Bumble Bee". Of course that's not something Berry is up to accept soon.