February Sketchathon (Closed)
9th: "Daring Do stuck in a quicksand pit and looking annoyed while saying : 'Not again' "
Requested by yuppi12
I recently bought the "Art is Magic" book, which includes a selection of artists' works from the pony comics. I looked through Jay P. Fosgitt's work this morning and was inspired to work more on distorting my expressions and worry less about uniformity or biology. That sounds a little strange or counter-intuitive, but when working in a cartoony style, it's important to really make use of the exaggeration you can get away with, much like elongated inbetween in animation. Anyway, all of that is just to say that I'm going to try to draw more like I want to, rather than how I think I should, which I think has been becoming more apparent in my own pony comic (though I was also straying too close to realism, which I am starting to correct).
Anyway, it's Daring Do in a pit of quicksand, not much more to say about it. I quite like how it turned out, which I think is in no small part to me thumbnailing it first, which I've never really done before, and adding more detail as I zoomed in. I also happened to draw this twice as big as it is here, so there's plenty of room for me to make a proper piece out of this sketch, if people like it. I've never made anything I thought was worthy as selling as a print before, but this is getting close. Thanks for looking!