Growing up it was very uncertain weither or not Love Letter had any sort of magical abilities. She had a horn in her forehead sure but it was very different from any normal unicorn horn. With her looking a lot like her dad it was unsure how much pony traits she would end up showing at all.
Twilight made sure to tell her not to be sad or dissapointed if it turned out she wouldn't be able to do magic, or get a cutiemark for that matter, like normal ponies. Love Letter didn't see it as too big of a deal when she was a kid but it made a part of her always feel a bit detached from the rest of her family. This made the day when her magic finally kicked into gear all the better, as both Love Letter and Twilight got extatic over her new found powers.
The small yakonies' magic isn't all that advanced and she has trouble even doing simple leviating spells. This doesn't bother her however as she is just happy to be able to do it feeling that it brings her just a tad closer to her pony family despite looking so different.
This also gave Love Letter and Marigold another thing to bond over as Marigold eagarly tries teaching her little sister new spells and tricks, with some pretty mixed results.
On the other end of the sibling spectrum Love Letter's magical abilites seemed to trigger Inkwell's distaste for his sister further and he now ignores her completely, compared to earlier when he would occasionally speak a few words with her every now and again.
So yeah, had this sketch (among with a bunch other) sitting in my sketch book for a while now. Part 1 of 4 new Love Letter themed pics, so look forward to that if you like smol magic yak child as much as I do
No dialouge as there really isn't any dialoge needed. Love Letter accidentally triggered her magic by trying to catch a falling pear, yelled for momma Twilight and the both of them cheered for hours afterwards.
Also Twilight looks old. Having a asshole son you can never seem to connect with will stress out a pony.