I wanted to draw a pic of Spike and Garble getting along in their grown up forms but after seeing the first episode of "Cobra Kai", I was inspired by the scene where Daniel and Johnny meet again after 34 years in the car dealership so I made it like this instead.
In this scene, Garble hasn't changed since FiM and is perturbed by the fact that dragons and ponies are living in peace now. At some point he meets Spike again who is very welcoming to him and willing to put their rivalry in the past. Garble doesn't seem very happy about it but perhaps he'll find a way to redeem himself like Johnny is now?
I started off strongly disliking Garble as you can imagine but I always did hope that they would have him get along with everyone at some point maybe after he sees the ponies fight some villain and then realizes they are pretty cool and aren't all "mamby pamby". If they do something like this in the current show, I guess this image is non-canon to the fullest but I did want to draw some pics of them getting along too.
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