The lights turn on in a dark room, highlighting a single red pony in a spot of light, Katie Jay Ewing, holding a microphone.“Fillies and Gentlecolts, welcome to the main event, a match between a Griffon and a Changeling, lets get ready to RUMBLEEEEEEE!!!!!”
“And Rainbow Feather takes to the ropes, jumping off and attacks Hemming, but the changeling goes for the grab and stops her!” Katie Jay commentates, “What an even matchup!” “You got it mixed up, I’m Feather!”“Woops! GO FEATHERS!”
That's not two Rainbow Feathers, one of her changeling friends has stepped into the ring for a mirror match!
Upvotes at import: 33 | Stars at import: 23 Posted previously at: 2018-09-13T12:33:20 | Posted previously by: RainbowFeather
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