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Yes, I changed her name; Cloudy Apple Cider didn't really go with what I had planned for her, but that's pretty much the only reason. Zap Apple was originally going to be her name anyway? But I decided against it because you see so many Apple Family next gens called Zap Apple and I didn't want to be another one of those, but now I'm going 'fuck it' because it fits her way better.



Full Name: Zap Apple
Nickname(s): Zap, Zips, Zapsy, Zipper
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Talent: Playing practical jokes
Cutie Mark: Hand buzzer (ha ha, get it? Because it ZAPS you… which I why I called her ZAP Apple… haha…. ahem)
Parents: Rainbow Dash, Big Macintosh
Antithesis: Loyalty

Zap is…. well, there's no nice way to say it, she's a bit of a bitch. Okay, a lot of a bitch; she's the girl that's outwardly friendly with everyone but will turn around and slag them off the moment they're out of earshot. She does this with everyone, no exceptions; not even her 'closest friends' are safe from her bitching, but those friends are, for some reason, under the impression that she talks shit about everyone but them. They could not be more wrong.

Zap is also a serial cheater, yet somehow always has a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's a well known fact that she's a cheater, and yet everyone thinks they'll be the exception. Again, they're very wrong. Zap loves the attention of having a significant other, so she's seldom without one, but she gets bored of them fairly easily, so instead of doing the sensible thing of breaking up with them, she'll just cheat with someone else. She wants the best of every world possible as well, so if her current SO isn't the best kisser, she'll hook up with someone who is. If the person she's dating doesn't want to sleep with her, she'll just go find someone who will. She even does this with ponies she actually really likes because she doesn't see it as a big deal.

She then wonders why she gets dumped so often.

Another thing Zap is known for is pulling very dangerous, very un-funny pranks on people. See, like Rainbow Dash, Zap loves a good prank — it's her special talent, after all — but she often takes it too far. Any by 'often' I mean 'always'. And, unlike Rainbow Dash, Zap never learns what 'too far' means. In fact, she doesn't think it exists; as far as she's concerned, if it made her laugh, it was funny, and you need to stop being such a sensitive stick-in-the-mud. This has, unsurprisingly, landed her in quite a bit of trouble, especially when ponies started getting hurt because of her. This is actually the reason she's ended up in Luna's School for Troubled Ponies; she's too dangerous, and refuses to see that she could (and has) seriously injure(d) people.

She wasn't always like this, though; she used to be a nice little filly who like playing practical jokes with her Mama Rainbow Dash and her Auntie Pinkie Pie, but then it turned out to be her special talent and it was all downhill from there. See, before she got her mark, she'd listen to Rainbow and Pinkie about what was okay and what was too far, because she considered them to be the experts. The moment she got her mark, in her mind, she became the expert, so she would no longer listen. Through the years, her pranks got more and more dangerous, and normal schools became unequipped, and unwilling, to deal with her. She was thrown out of Cheerilee's school, Flight Camp, The Friendship School, and a place somewhere in Clousdale, and now the only place that would take her is Luna's.


Rainbow Dash;
When she was little, Zap was very close to her mother; the two would often go flying together and practice stunts, and, of course, they'd prank the everloving shit out of Ponyville. When she became more dangerous, she and Rainbow were still close at first; after all, Rainbow was positive that her daughter would grow out of the phase, and she was going to help her. That didn't go as planned; all Dash's teachings of 'you're gonna be awesome and the best at whatever you decide to do' backfired on her, and her daughter was out of control. This, as expected, put quite a strain on their relationship, with Zap becoming more and more disobedient, and Rainbow becoming more and more angry and frustrated. Now, they can barely have a conversation without it devolving into a fight, so Zap stays at Luna's School fulltime, as opposed to living at home. This hurt her quite a lot, but she was a danger to her family, even though she doesn't think she is. As a result of this, Zap kinda resents her mother now.

Big Mac;
Big Mac loves his little girl, and there was a time he would have done anything for her, and he still sort of would, but that time is now long gone, for the most part. He's on better terms with her than Rainbow is, and he still thinks his daughter will wake up one day and see the error of her ways, but he's also well aware that it's highly unlikely at this point in time. When she was little, she used to ride around on his back as he did his chores, and Mac really misses those times and would like to go back to them. But, like I said, Zap was a danger to the family, so it was Mac that tentatively suggested she stay at the school fulltime instead of staying at home. Zap doesn't know this — she thinks it was all Rainbow's idea — so she still lover her dad very much, she just doesn't like that he agreed to sending her away.

Her Classmates;
Uh, this is a bit of a mixed bag; there are a lot that don't like her because they know what she's like, but there are a lot that like her because they think she likes them so they're special. Quite a few have been injured in malicious pranks, so understandably have issues with her, but some do find those pranks funny so she has a nice little gang for herself. Of course, she'd sell them all out to Satan for one corn chip the moment they got the opportunity, and doesn't hesitate to throw them all under the bus whenever she gets caught for something.

The Other Five;
Well, now that would be telling, wouldn't it? You just gotta wait for the story to see that


So yeah, Rainbow Dash and Big Mac is a bit of an odd pairing, but I wanted the kids to have parents who were just as loyal/honest/kind/whatever as the mane six. I struggled a lot with pairing Rainbow Dash off, because I… can't really think of anyone as loyal as her if that makes sense; the others were fairly easy to think of but loyalty? Eh. So I did a bit of thinking and I realised that Big Mac is super freaking loyal to his family and his vales and his friends and all that, and I couldn't think of anyone better, so here we are!

I also tried to think of ways a typical person could be disloyal, and I think the behaviours I've mentioned here (Except the stupid pranking) have illustrated it nicely. There's not many way for a pony to be blatantly disloyal without constantly betraying her friends, so I went for, I think, the more subtle approach, stuff that everyday people do without really thinking about it.

Of course, 'being disloyal' and 'excessive bitchery' aren't really good enough reasons to expell a student, so I needed a way to get her into Luna's School for Troubled Ponies. Thus, the pranking idea was born, and I like to think it fits her personality. If it doesn't, I'm sure it'll work itself out.

For now, I hope you like her, and thank you for reading this far, if you did so.


The Problem Kids Project and cast is outlined here for anyone interested: — fav.me/dcmxeqz

Upvotes at import: 16 | Stars at import: 11
Posted previously at: 2018-09-25T06:37:08


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